But I notice this is also valid for happiness as well: Being happy makes me notice the beautiful things of life and enjoy them. Having resolved the problems have me perceive the love of people around me better and I gained courage to make effort for obtaining whatever I want.
(I find it hard to express happiness and peace with words, especially in another language)
My three artworks got featured in deviantArt recently (recently=for a long time, actually), these are good news for me. (well, I've requested a work of my own for one of those features ^^; )
Digital Thumbshare Features 4
Features that Need your Attention (many thanks to Lady Symphonia, who's an artist that I admire)
Feature of Awesomeness
Some failures during the Mount&Blade editing.
Not a complete failure, I just need to find out how to import hair and beard meshes texture.
Not a complete failure, I just need to find out how to import hair and beard meshes texture.
This is what happens when you do a Michael Jackson dance in a room that has a table with a big glass of iced-coffee on it. The notebook got useless. (The video I was watching was 'Dangerous', in case you wonder).
m&b üzerinde ne gibi değişiklikler yapıyorsun =D
vay, feature almak. . . . ben de istiyorum :C ühühühüh.
Modumsu bir şeyler :)
eğer mürekkeplemesini ve boyamasını bitirebilirsem sana bir hediyem oliciik =D
bil bakalım ne xDDDDD
Yay! Çok sevindim! ^_^
Aslan yavrusu geliyor aklıma.
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